Planning Guidance
General Planning Summary
For additional comfort, or if the proposals are contentious, the building is listed, or works are within a conservation area, engagement with the local planning authority for pre-application advice is recommended at the end of RIBA Stage 2.
Planning Application
Planning applications can be made during RIBA Stage 2, but are usually submitted during or at the end of RIBA Stage 3 when the brief has been developed and refined, and the basic design agreed upon. This ensures that the design information submitted to the local authority is less likely to change through further design development and that any subsequent consent received is suitable for the final proposals.
We can compile the supporting documents required for the submission, as well as complete and submit the application to the local authority on your behalf. Licensed plans are required for applications and the planning application submission has its own fee.
Planning decisions are based upon the Local Planning Authority’s development plan policies and material considerations (usually the borough’s Local Plan) aligned with government planning policy guidance set out in the Government’s National Policy Framework (NPPF) - see links below.
Summary of the steps required to fulfil the planning process
≫ Agree upon the brief, requirements and scope of the project
≫ Survey the existing property (or share existing measured building information)
≫ Prepare and discuss design information and select the chosen design option
≫ Contact the local planning department for pre-application advice, if applicable - usually submitted at RIBA Stage 2 so that discussions can be focused
≫ Prepare a planning application, with supporting documents to ensure your application has the best chance of success
≫ Submit your application, with the necessary supporting documents and the correct fee (usually submitted at RIBA Stage 3)
≫ A planning decision is expected from the local authority within 8-13 weeks from their validation of the submission
≫ You have three years to begin work to implement any approved consent
Summary of the information required for a planning submission
The type and number of drawings required to be submitted with your planning application will vary according to the nature of the proposal and the type of application. The local planning authority usually provides application guidance and validation checklists for different types of developments on their website.
For a domestic extension and/or conversion, you usually need to include the following architectural design drawings with your submission:
≫ A licensed* location plan at 1:1250 scale
≫ A licensed* site plan at 1:500 scale
≫ Existing and proposed drawings
≫ Elevations at 1:100 or 1:50 scale
≫ Floor plans at each level at 1:100 or 1:50 scale
≫ Roof plans at 1:100 or 1:50 scale
≫ Photographs, context drawings and other representations
*To be purchased and used only for this application.
Useful Website Links
If you require any further information, we recommend looking at the websites below:
≫ When is planning permission required?
≫ Plain English guide to the planning system
Planning Portal
≫ Planning Portal Planning Applications
≫ Planning Portal Common Projects
National Planning Policy Framework